Friday, April 05, 2013

Surprising Eggstra

Easter Eggs

Sunday morning I woke up realizing it was Easter but I had not really planned anything special. Well, actually I had previously made plans, which fell through. Somehow, some way, I had forgotten to work on Plan B.


Meanwhile a friend I've known for decades came aboard the rolling ranch to help me out and travel for a few weeks as it was time to re-position my motorhome.

Time flies when you're confused.

I have a restless spirit, child of the planet, belonging nowhere, living every where.


It was Easter morning when I placed the pot of water on the stove, tossed in a jigger of vinegar then about 2 tablespoons of turmeric. Next I added 7 eggs, because that is all I had on hand.

I boiled the eggs, then let them cool down in a bowl. I took a picture and told my guest "Happy Easter!"  He taste tested an egg for good measure.

An hour later I took another picture.  Surprise!  Look how the colors changed.  

Before and after... side by side.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is not the comment I deleted.This is a question I've been wanting to ask you Miss Mermaid.Now it's just an innocent question,mind you! So here it is.Why can't you go back to the BVI?

  3. I can go back to the BVI anytime I choose. But emotionally I am not ready. Something dreadful happened to me there. 3 years later and I am still not "over it". I decided to close that chapter in my life and move elsewhere. While I am terribly homesick, I have found solace in my little old motorhome and strange little dog.

  4. I am aware of what happened and did not realize how much it affected you emotionally.Please accept my apology for what probably seemed like an insensitive question.I guess I'd want to get away too.


Life is goof!