They drew me in closer like a powerful magnet. Mesmerizing my soul. It was the Carillon.
Due to extreme rains, Wickham Park in Melbourne where the Carillonneur played at the Rennaissance fair resembled more of a bog than a park. Between me and this massive instrument was an impromptu moat of slippery black mud, so I tried to take my pictures from afar.

Cast in Bronze
Four tons, 35 bells and one masked carillonneur who tolls the bells with his fists and feet. This instrument originated in Europe about 500 years ago. It's the world's heaviest musical instrument. Most are built to be stationary, but this creative soul has figured out how to bring the carillon to the people.
He calls himself "Cast In Bronze". Listen to samples of his music at amazon (click here). It's well worth buying an album or two or three. Seeing this show live was impressively jaw dropping. I've never heard anything like this before. It was mesmerizing.

I tried to make a video but my arm was shaking and it came out awful, I managed to freeze frame and capture the above picture. I will try again next weekend when the carillonneur will return.
The dog and I have dropped camera(s) a few times (yeah I am blaming the dog) in spite of using arm straps, neck straps, wrist straps, and my camera du jour has been to the beach a few too many times, so now it works randomly, kind of like me. Matter of fact, I have a box full of cameras that don't function anymore, sad to say. But I keep trying to do better.
Now and then (more like rarely) we catch an awesome photograph. I say whee (oops we) because so often doggy is dangling on a leash off my arm while I am flailing about trying to snap a good photo.
I end up with the good, the bad, the ugly.
For all the pics I tried to take of these incredible bells, I only ended up with 2 semi-good ones.
I must try harder.
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