Sunday, October 31, 2010

Whoa, Life is Good

This campground has a sense of humor at all their intersections.

Life is so beautiful!  Mother Nature painted a gorgeous picture for me. 

Many campgrounds are built on or near lakes. This one was very peaceful.  Small wonder I get there and never want to leave. My friend wanted to see and do more, so onwards we went. What's the use of being flexible if you can't have fun, so I was happy to stay or happy to move along. 

Life is good and it's Halloween!  I must dig up my funny pics and post them for you. 

Trick or treat!

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RV Smashes Police Car

It wasn't me!

Many of us can learn multiple lessons from this short video. 

Warning...   This is Tragic, but no one was injured.

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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Police Looking for a Mermaid?

I didn't do it. I swear.

But there they were.

The police. Five cars and eight police people.  Is that what you call them when there are male and female police men and women?  Police people.

The cars in front of me, were waved along without any hassle. Then they got to me and Wolfman Harley. A police person (female to be exact). She held up her hand for me to stop.

I had just come off Interstate 385 onto Butler Road in Mauldin, South Carolina.

I barely rolled my window down, pretending to be extremely cold. Wolfman Harley let out a loud bark, to let the police person know he was watching her closely.

I told Wolfman to be quiet.  Amazingly, he obeyed, then curled back up in his comfy cat bed on the passenger seat. 

The police lady barked next.  "Where are you coming from?"

I didn't want to explain where I had been.

It's complicated.

So, I said "New Hampshire!"

Incredibly, the police female laughed.  And I thought those government types never had a sense of humor.

"Where are you going?"  she demanded next.

I didn't want to explain that either.

It's complicated.

So I said "To my mother's house."

Nevermind my mother died 17 years ago. If the lady cop knew this and pointed it out to me, I would act clueless. I often am clueless anyhow.

"Where does your mother live?" She barked another question.

My gosh!  Am I in America?  I was flustered at all these questions.

"In Mauldin."  I replied as I vaguely gestured my hand towards the road in front of me.  Seven cops stood ahead, staring back at me.

"Let me see your Driver's license."

I dug around the floorboard for my purse, then reached around the seat, finding it there. I pulled out my wallet and began searching for my elusive license. The cop was shining her flashlight at my wallet. I found discount cards, business cards, my old Work Permit card from the British Virgin Islands.

I kept digging and explained, "I know I have one, but no one's asked to see it in a long time."

Finally I found it and passed it out the window to her. I still kept it rolled up high, so she couldn't reach in and unlock my door.

I don't trust American cops. No sirree. Not since they threw me in jail for 36 hours by mistake, then released me with nary an apology. Meanwhile they had lost my shoes and purse, plus kept all my cash.  I was thrust upon a cold sidewalk, barefoot, without my purse, without my money and with a severely swollen face.  That was long ago and far away, but still, it scares me to think about it.

I don't even like American cops. They have too much power to wield against innocent victims.

I prayed she wouldn't insist I get out of the motorhome. I was thinking I would just floor the accelerator and speed off in the night. Give them some excitement. A high speed chase with a mermaid in a motorhome.

The police woman walked away, carrying my license with her. Dang. I need that thing to drive with. Dang.

She went and stared at my rear license tag, then came back, gave me my license, told me to have a good night and waved me onwards.

She never mentioned the tail lights or brake lights. I had just discovered about an hour earlier, that neither were working.

I slowly drove off in a daze.

Lucky me!  A free mermaid!

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Friday, October 29, 2010

Alive, Kicking and Taking Names

Just a short post to let you know, I am alive!

Between AT&T internet (absolutely lousy!) and crashing at the most inopportune times (it crashes just before auto-saving, not after, so I lose all my work...) it's a miracle if I get this post out at all today.

I am parked in a friend's driveway in upstate South Carolina.  They have wireless internet, but they put a password on it, and can't seem to remember what it is, so that I could tap in and use it.  So AT&T and I are doing battle again. 

If AT&T mobile finds out I am using the internet for work, they immediately crash my system. Small wonder they force you into a 2 year contract, they want you to truly suffer for 24 months. You pay your money and you get very little in return, certainly not what they promised. 

What is wrong with the big corporations?  Has customer service gone out the window completely?  Is it truly all about greed and surcharges?

For instance AT&T charges $60 for the first 5gb of internet usage per month for laptop mobile users. If you go over that, the second 5gb costs a whopping $260.  

Pure greed. 

Miss your payment by a day?  Incur a $35  reconnect fee. Vicious practices. It's as if the customer is someone to stomp all over and treat like dirt. 

I used to think the world of Goodwill Industries. I thought their 2nd hand stores were a great way for the poor and budget minded to have useful tings at affordable prices such as clothes and household goods. 

Since I came to America on a shoestring, I've needed clothes to wear. Afterall I can't run around naked. I can't afford to eat and shop for clothes. So I've chosen Goodwill and other second hand stores as alternatives for shopping for things I need.

I was appalled at the prices in the Goodwill I went into yesterday. They were clearly overstocked with clothing, yet I thought it was way too pricey for a second hand store. After all these are USED clothes. I was not alone in my grumblings, I heard two other ladies complaining about the prices too. Like me, we picked out several things, then had to narrow it down considerably to be able to pay the marked prices. I sure hope Goodwill is putting these profits to very good use and not spending it on overpriced executives.

Well, you've heard my rantings and ravings today. The power of the pen!

At the campground, this whimsical Halloween mummy startled me, when he growled at me as I approached to read the sign on the office door!

The love of my life, the little Wolfman I rescued late last May.

Wolfman Harley gets cold very easily, at barely 5 pounds of weight.  Let the temps drop below 70F degrees and we both have chattering teeth!  He is wearing an undershirt I made out of my black sock, plus a stylish tri-colored doggy sweater over that.  He LOVES getting dressed (and staying warm!)  Lucky dog!  This little bit of trouble is literally SAVING my life. We walk together several times a day and this is building up my stamina considerably.  I'm in a ton of pain today (can you tell by my ranting and raving?)  but I am still going to go out and go for a brisk walk with my Wolfman.  Someone said I had LOST WEIGHT yesterday. Yippie!  I noticed my clothes were too big for me, but typically my body fights to keep every pound on me, refusing to part with a single ounce. 

Could it be all this walking in rain or shine, hot or cold?  I would have never walked the miles I've walked, had it not been for this little pooch. He LOVES to walk, run and play.  When I grab the leash, he goes nuts, dancing around, he is so excited to get out and about, sniffing the new smells and checking out our latest neighborhood, which is often remote. 

A BIG BIG thanks to my benefactors and patrons who have graciously signed up for subscriptions. Thank you VERY much!  You have no idea how much this helps me struggle onwards as I beef up my health, and keep on writing. My next book is formulating and I have all of you to thank for your support and book purchases. THANK YOU!

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Monday, October 25, 2010

Lost My Mind

We stopped for 2 nights, I am purely exhausted, but holding up.

I am collecting pictures of funny signs. One day I will post them all together. This sign greeted us at Lake Reidsville in North Carolina. The tiny blue sign in back warns that sex offenders are not allowed in the park. WHY are these people allowed out of prison?  If they aren't good enough for the park, they sure aren't good enough to live in society.

I feel super safe in this park, the police cruise by often.  Maybe it's because we hit the guard shack with the motorhome. I was an innocent passenger.  My dog did it... actually my friend did it and I couldn't stop laughing. I must be losing my mind (but it won't get far in the shape it's in!)

Pain is killing me, so I don't feel very funny right now. But I am trying to smile and will the pain away without dangerous drugs.

There is an innocent illegal herb that kills pain, but noooooooo, our government wants us to have dangerous drugs, not an all natural herb cure. *sigh*

I shall meditate this pain away.

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Sunday, October 24, 2010

In Memory of Souls Lost in Camille

Wandering down country roads, avoiding the interstates, in this little old motorhome. 

There is
nothing like finding heaven...  

being able to afford it on a teeny tiny budget. 

We got


days my head ain't good. (Bahamian
way of saying the mind is off to another world.)

I love
everywhere we camp, I always want to stay another day.  But
each day we move along.  I look for beautiful spots, lush with
nature that are budget friendly. The further from main highways, the

Much to
the amusement of my friend traveling with me, we've ended up in some
pretty funky spots. But he's a hearty sailor like me, we've both spent
decades in the Caribbean messing about boats and bits of small islands,
where life is slower, often vastly culturally different. So when we
turned up at some decidedly different places, some that even have bad
reviews, that encouraged us, because what the reviewers complained
about, seemed so insignificant to us.
Just whiny people with an axe to grind. 

We love
the beauty, the solitude, the commune with nature. 

yesterday we pulled into a new piece of heaven. A small campground in
Reidsville North Carolina.  The campground is on Lake
Reidsville, though not all campsites are directly at the lake's edge.
 The gentle slope of the area, leading down to the lake, leads
itself to a variety of camp spots, no two alike. 

We set
up camp on a jumbo forested lot with a view of the lake surrounded by
the colors of autumn trees.  The weather seemed considerably
warmer for us, to finally hit the good old south. 


In the
Caribbean, so often, people tend to laugh at tragedy or bad luck. I'm
not sure why, but the first time I noticed this, I liked it. 

I am super happy. Sad to say, I've not been my cheery self always since
the hospital nightmare.  For this I apologize to all
who may have encountered my grumpy self.
 But I



friend unintentionally (AND while 100% sober), managed to nearly take
out their check-in booth.  Yes, he crashed my motorhome. In
front of me. In front of the dog. In front of the nice lady who was
going to check us in for the night. 

damages were minor, but enormously embarrassing.  Amazingly,
they allowed us to move into the campground anyhow. 

I burst
out laughing at my friend's gaffe.  From the damages to the
roof of the building, we could tell we weren't the first to have
motorhome meet the roof overhang. 

I laugh
as I write about this now. We've had such lovely days so far, a little
mishap wasn't about to ruin my jovial mood. 
At Cunningham Falls State Park in Maryland, nature provided a breathtaking backdrop to  overnight camping.  My motorhome is a
tree hugger.  

In Virginia, we learned about the sad fate of others.  My prayers go out for the souls lost and missing, presumed dead. How
frightening, to lose someone you love, without ever clearly knowing
their final fate. Hurricanes do that. They rearrange lives. 


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Friday, October 22, 2010

Lunch on the River Run and Spooky Camping

Delaware Gap Watershed near Bushkill, Pennsylvania
I am on the road from new Hampshire to Florida, taking a circuitous route with my friend who has come for part of the trip.

It is so much more fun to have a human friend along for the adventure. The dog, is of course, still with us.

We've been having all our meals in the motorhome. So often the views are just fantastic such as this lunch time stop on the river, with a backdrop of beautiful fall colors.

I haven't been able to write much, because I am either driving or navigating, which I manage to get lost doing both.  I seem to pick eccentric camping spots, more on that later.

Currently we are tucked away in a forest of trees at a campground that has gone all out decorating for Halloween. Ghosts dangle from the trees, giant pumpkins are every where and way, a huge spiders graces the restrooms.  When we arrived, I walked up to the office and this mummy growled at me, causing me to jump!  The office was closed, but a phone call to the number on the door, informed us to make ourselves at home.

Eventually the maintenance man came by and directed us to take a nice walk to go pay our nightly fee. Three tame deer that lost their mother, were locally adopted and wander around the campground like pets.

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010


My apologies!  My last posting on here (which is delivered by email to those that sign up for this service) was posted by mistake with loads of errors.  My spell heckler crashed, and the post raced off into cyber world.

So some of you got garbled gook delivered to your email. Oops!

I am such a klutz and techno challenged to boot.
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Sneaking in the Back Way

Last evening finished with a brilliant sunset. Morning brought in heavy fog. It's still cold, despite 3 days of traveling.

Monday night we ended up in a very private campground, Creek View Camp. It only had about half a dozen RV spots, but it did have lots of tent room. A polite way to put it was charmingly rustic. It was set up years ago on a mostly level spot behind a house, up a twisty hill. The big rigs wouldn't be able to fit in this campground, but we found it rather nice, if not a bit wacky. We were parked between the caterpillar and the backhoe.

A hilarious phone call to the owner, informed us that he was babysitting a 3 year old grandchild who was pooping a lot and he claimed not to be cut out for this type of work. He directed us to a spot that had electric, water and sewer. A few hours later, he came home and collected our fee.

The only tenants were 2 campers in tents, a long term tenant who got up to go work at 5am and us.

Tuesday evening, we found Christmas Pines Camp after turning into Red Church Road, which was skinny, winding and initially took us up a very steep hill. Incredibly, there was a massive red church well established many decades ago.

We pulled into the campground and were met by a closed gate. After reading the somewhat confusing directions, we pushed a button which gave us a dial tone, then made a phone call to a cheery lady who let us in the gate by remote control.

She was astonished we had come in the back way, as most RV-ers claim they can't make the climb over the steep hill. We're sailors, so nothing daunts us.
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Monday, October 18, 2010

100 Miles of Beauty

Camping at Lamb City Camping Resort, Ohillipston, Massachusetts

The Autumn Colors are spectacular!
The Atlantic Ocean was flat calm yesterday

We did about 100 miles in 3-4 hours. The route was scenic which meant we also went through loads of tiny towns like Toy Land with lots of stops and traffic signals. We are off and running again today, who knows we might even do another 100 miles today.

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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Wandering South

Well, I hope to hit the road again in a day or two, so at that point, my postings may become erratic, as they are subject to the whims of my AT&T internet connection. AT&T advertises they cover 95% of the USA, I seem to often be in the 5% area.

If you have read my posts, you know I just hate AT&T and am ever so sorry I am stuck with them and their horrible 2 year contract. Thank goodness my cell phone is not with them. They have awful customer care. They tend to want to wear you down,keeping you on hold for 10-20 minutes, then transferring you to someone who keeps transferring your call elsewhere with more lengthy holds. Eventually you reach someone who barely speaks English, who reads laboriously slow from a manual, insisting you change numerous settings on your computer. None of these ever fix the problem, but it sure screws up your computer. I think all this is done, so you never ever want to call them back.

My main reason for calling them in the past, was because coverage was non-existent in areas they advertise as being covered. Last time I spoke to them, they kept me on the phone for well over two hours of torture, what with the lengthy hold times between transfers to people that won't talk to you, to listening to someone mispronounce the English language to the point of being totally unable to understand what gloops are. I still ponder what the heck gloops are and how they affect my coverage area.

I can still hear and mimic the last operator now, as I strained to understand "Oh peen they con toll pane ella, see elect neat work con ex tee ions, see elect pro pit titties..."

I am leaving New Hampshire with a final destination of Orlando, Florida. At least that is what I THINK I am doing. It should take me 4-30 days to get there.

How's that for planning?

My health comes and goes, so that can always affect a trip. I strive to do all I can each and every day, but sometimes the body resists and I am forced to focus solely on healing. Life interrupted. I lose track of time, living in uncertain confusion. Getting out of the hospital didn't make me instantly well. I've lived much longer than my initial prognosis, so overall I am extremely happy. Now I've given up on medical care and drugs. My budget is so ridiculously tiny, there just isn't anymore money or credit left for medical help. I'm taking alternative approaches to better health, some considered a bit extreme, but certainly the price is far less.

I even gave up on the diabetic medicines. I wasn't planning to, but I hit a rock wall with the drug store saying I didn't pick up my refills before the expiration date on their computer, so I have to go pay a new doctor for new refill prescriptions. They wanted a huge cash fee up front before seeing me and I'm living in a motorome trying to make ends meet. Which overall, it is cheaper living and working in a motorhome that paying for a fixed address. The medical nightmare is just a big mess I won't go into, so bingo, I gave up the diabetes medicines. Now I am fighting to reverse diabetes.

My puppy is a medical expense in my budget. That may make you laugh!

But thanks to the dog, I get out and walk every day. Some days I walk miles over the course of the day, and others, I barely creep around the immediate neighborhood. The walking is definitely improving my physical stamina.

It's getting pretty darn cold in New England, and it's cheaper to be warmer, so headed south I am. A friend may go part of the route with me,then fly back one-way to their home. I sure hope so. It's tons more fun to have a human companion around. I love my puppy dog, but he's lousy at conversation. However, he is stubborn and egotistical. He does have his way of talking to me, besides barking. He does this humming talking thing that can be downright hilarious. It sounds something like "Hm hmmm hmmmmmm" with his pitch changing on each "hmm" depending on if he is begging for his toy or begging to go out and play with some doggy that usually outweighs him 20 times.

My friend told me that dogs don't see size at all. A dog is a dog to a dog, no matter what his size. My tiny pooch sure is enthusiastic about meeting any dog, from a Great Dane to a puppy his size.

Which by the way, we have made some solid inroads on the barking issue. I have never had a yappy dog and sure don't want one now. I am used to big dogs, so I've had to adjust to having a tiny dog.

Small dogs have BIG attitude and haven't a clue they are just a wisp in the wind.

My experience with other people's small dogs in the past, is that they seem to be chronic yappers over nothing. I have tried my best to work with my canine kid, to NOT be a yapper. I've also tried to teach him loads of commands. Some he gets and others he is stubborn about. *SIGH*.

Children are the best dog trainers, because they have the patience to work over and over with a puppy or dog on the same commands.

My dog doesn't get the command "sit" at all. But mention one of his toys, like the bear, tennis ball or Frisbee, and he will correctly fetch the named toy every time. He has learned NO and STAY pretty well.

He can be left alone in the RV or someone's car with the STAY command and not cry or whimper.

Recently he has discovered in my friend's car, the sheer thrill of hanging his head out in the wind. Why do dogs love that?

The answer is blowing in the wind...

Of course I end up either tethering him or holding his harness, so he doesn't inadvertently bounce out the window. Usually, I don't have it down far enough for him to fit through anyhow.

In the motorhome, I always have his window rolled up tightly if he is sitting in the passenger front seat, when I don't have a friend along. That is because I have crank up and down windows. I can't reach from the driver's side of the motorhome, over to the window handle, while driving, so his window has to stay up all the time, even though mine is almost always down for the fresh air.

I tether the doggy anyhow, when I am driving, so he can't wander around the brake pedal or climb into my lap. He would love to sit in my lap while I drive, but I don't allow that.

I like to give 100% concentration to the crazy drivers around me, while I am navigating my motorhome. I need puppy safe and sound, so I don't have to worry about him while I am driving.

Of course recently, when my friend drove the motorhome for a few hours here and there, puppy discovered he could cuddle in my lap for the ride. He just loved this. But mostly he sleeps in his cat bed while we are traveling.

However, puppy can SMELL a campground a mile away. Literally! As I approach a campground within 1-2 miles away, he wakes up and gets super excited. However, when I pull into a parking lot like at the grocery store, he seems thoroughly bored, not the least bit excited.

Sometimes we get to tour a campground and pick out our own spot. He wags his tail enthusiastically, as I slow down to study the empty camping lots. I guess he knows that a campground means he, his rug, his tether and his toys go outside to play on the new temporary puppy patio. He loves walking on his leash through a new campground, checking for other dogs to play with and flirting outrageously with other campers, if they make the fatal mistake of making eye contact with him, for even just a nanosecond. He is a happy dog in great spirits all the time.

RV Dealers have him completely confused. He thinks we might be at a campground, but he isn't sure why we don't stay long. One day we stopped at a place full of used RV's parked on dirt and weeds, but no one was around to show us any. We let the dog out to walk around the lot with us on his leash, and he became excited, thinking we were camping there. He tugged on his leash (he can really tug hard too for such a lightweight dog) resisting the idea of getting back in my friend's car to leave again.

Someone I dearly love, who has passed away, was also known for their sheer stubbornness. Sometimes I wonder if he is reincarnated into my dog. I see so many similarities beyond being ornery. What a thought!
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