The adventure continues!
I haven't got back on the road yet, but I will soon, I hope. This sudden cold snap, has made me frantically dig out my winter clothes. Then I was around someone sick. Yuck. I caught something awful I guess. So each day, the trip has been postponed one more day. Oops.
I am thrilled to announce I repaired the kitchen sink faucet, so it functions nicely now. Can't tell you how I did it. Just dumb luck I guess. But my propane furnace, is still inoperable. I shall work on it some more in hopes I can eventually repair it. Meanwhile Harley and I dress warmly when needed.
Last fall, when I was traveling in New England with Harley's buddy, who bought him this faux fur coat (picture below). It still fits him. When he saw me pull it out of the drawer, he literally did his happy dance! Finally he slowed down long enough to actually don the coat. Now he thinks he is big and bad, ready to tackle the world. He has certainly stopped shivering and shaking.
Recently a friend wanted me to ride with the doctor with them, which I did. But I didn't go inside, I was afraid I might catch something from the sick people. I don't mean to sound snippy, but I've spent the last 2 years fighting for my life. My immune system is very weak at times making me an opportunistic candidate for whatever "bug" is making the rounds.
The dog and I toured the immediate neighborhood while they did their medical mess. The doctors had a beautifully landscaped garden for us to enjoy. I had my pooper scooper baggies attached to the leash, in case my pooch decided to leave a specimen.
That night I began sneezing uncontrollably, my head became all stuffed up. I've been doing all sorts of home remedies to chase this bug away, I seem to be feeling better, just kind of weak though.
For a few days, I have been parked in suburbia in Mauldin, South Carolina. It's in a nice area in a small town that grew up rapidly around it in the last 2 decades. Several of the neighbors have motorhomes, fifth wheels and camper trailers. The neighborhood is well maintained, without a wicked homeowners' association. The town has basic village rules about suburbia, but the homeowners have prevented any associations from taking over, yet the neighborhood is well kept, the real estate values seem to be holding OK.
I mention all this, because a while back, I had read about a real estate agent who was campaigning city hall in a certain town, to force RV owners to keep their RV's in paid storage somewhere else besides on property they already owned. The real estate agent claimed without this law the neighborhood would become a "ghetto", the real estate prices would cheapen (the end result being the agent wouldn't make bigger commissions) unless this law was passed (for her benefit alone?) Yes, she used the word "ghetto." Since when do "ghettos" have people affluent enough to own both a house with land, and an RV to park on it?
It seems incongruous that municipalities often pass laws that are for the sole benefit of someone's profits, but it's done all this time in this great country of ours.
I still believe in personal freedoms, but that notion seems to be totally out of fashion now. It seems this country is in a rush to enact numerous laws and complicated legislation to prevent personal freedoms, not protect them. I think we need a lot more laws taken off the books completely. Bring back "Land of the free"!
OK, I know, I'm probably risking internet rotten tomatoes being hurled at me for speaking of such things like personal freedom in America...
Walking around this neighborhood, it appears well kept, the houses have maintained their values. Sure there are a few folks who have less than perfectly manicured lawns, but nothing is going to hell in a hand basket. Some houses do have RV's parked on their property. In most cases, a special spot has been built for the RV in back, rather than in front. I don't see that having these creatures around has done anything to devalue the neighborhood.
My host claims I have met more of their neighbors than they ever have. But I've been out walking my monkey on a string, aka Harley dog. He tries to make friends with everybody. Recently someone said "He's the happiest dog I've ever seen!"
At one house on the corner, the homeowner had walked outside to his fenced yard with two beautiful Shih Zsus. Harley was straining at the leash, tail wagging gloriously, in an attempt to get noticed by the dogs. The owner was very friendly, inviting Harley to visit inside the fence to run free with his dogs. Little Harley was absolutely thrilled at this delightful turn of events.
I think he thought we were at another dog park! He became fast buddies with the well groomed pooches, engaging them in races and endless play. This was of course after all three dogs initially spent time with the ritual watering of the bushes, and scrutinizing each other's rear end intently. Once that initial socialization was out of the way, they played like puppy litter mates. The homeowner and I had a fun chat, while watching the three dogs romp around, creating puppy games. Since he had a fifth wheel RV parked out back, we had loads to chat about between dogs, travel, camping and so on.
Back at the property where I am parked and visiting, the UPS truck showed up bearing many boxes.
My gracious host, upon learning my furnace was "under repair" had used his Prime membership at Amazon for 2 day ordering, supplying Harley and me with a 12 Volt Automotive Electric Blanket with Controller
Life is grand.
My friend is an angel to bestow this on us! We are positively spoiled rotten now.The 12 volt blanket is more like a throw, made of fleece, measuring 58 by 42 inches. The 12 Volt cord is 7.5 feet long, very handy. It has adjustable heat plus a 30 or 60 minute timer. I'm amazed at how quickly it has heated up. I can tell right now, this heated blanket is going to get tons of use this winter.
Soon, I hope to gather myself together to get on the road. I actually have reservations at my favorite campground starting Sunday, but I plan to leave sooner, camping somewhere along the way. I grabbed the very last reservation, apparently I'm not the only one with camping in mind. I could only get 5 nights, not the 14 I wanted. I can however, leave for 3 days and come back to a new reservation, as their weekends are just booked solid. Well, that's what I get for last-minute planning.
Three weeks to travel to my new workamping assignment, and so far I've actually nailed down plans for 5 nights. Well, that's a start I guess.
I've been parked at the last workamping assignment for 6 months, my next one is for 5 months, so this is my fling to wander and explore, before I have to settle into more workamping.
I recently picked up some oddball freelance work, so that has been a huge help.
I may be slow and sick, but I am actually managing to move forward, eventually getting things done. Yippie!
I just realized I have been in America for two years as of the other day. While the first 6 months were a total blur of severe illness, it still feels like I just landed here last week. But here I am 2 years later, still managing to hold body and soul together while patching up this old motorhome.
Life is fantastic!
That eletric blanket sounds great!
ReplyDeleteI detest homeowner associations, and gated communities even more. That said, I now live in a 55+ mobile home park but the rules don't seem to be too bad.
ReplyDeleteI will be moving all my belongings in this Saturday, but so I dont freeze to death in the meantime I should probably try to dig out my heated throw which is in storage. Take care of yourself.