Thursday, February 28, 2019

Another beautiful day in paradise. 

Weather permitting I spend time outside on the patio. In back is a view of the farm behind my lot with their ramshackle fence which for some strange reason I enjoy it's dilapidated look.

When I moved here I attached a small green garden fence to their farm fence so my puppy dog wouldn't escape to herd cows.

To the right is the starboard side of my 1992 fifth wheel across from the open door to the shed. Seems this fifth wheel is in need of constant repairing and some adaptive modifications so the shed is often wide open cause the tools for this fool are stored in there along with flotsam and jetsam to cobble things together.

Harley dog keeps his big red pillow out here piled up with his toys. The rollator in the foreground was given to me months ago so I could move around heavy objects on wheels. Little did we know I would need it more and more for walking rather than moving heavy things.

Staring at the patio is like a time capsule for me. Gifts and dumpster diving from various times in my life in America.

It reminds me of my crazy cobbling to make things happen on a shoestring.

But I woke up alive, I have a little old forever home, a crazy dog who refuses to grow up though he is past 9 now and showing wear and tear from his hyperactive lifestyle. Come to think of it... so am I!

My hyperactive days seem to be gone, yet I feel the need to stay busy, to not waste one minute of time on this gorgeous day. It's frustrating my body wants to rest and complain but I have to learn to slow down some and focus on getting stronger.

Cows are mooing out back and it makes me giggle and smile.

Life is grand.

Thank you for stopping by today and for the wonderful comments you leave for me.

If you use any of my amazon links for shopping it sometimes kicks in a little commission for doggy and I.

Thank you kindly for your consideration.

Today's wisdom...
When ya stop carrying on... they carry you out... or hmm... something like that.


If you're lost and alone or you're sinking like a stone, carry on
May your past be the sound of your feet upon the ground

Excerpt from the lyrics to Carry on by Fun



  1. Your pics of turkeys in an earlier post reminded me of seeing a large flock of turkeys in our yard several years back. We also get deer on a regular basis. Especially this winter. They are looking for something to eat and although they are a nuisance on the roadways I do feel bad that this has been such a harsh winter for them. You keep carrying on Miss Mermaid and I hope you start feeling better. - Kathy

  2. Love your little spot, great place to hang out and recover


Life is goof!