Wednesday, May 25, 2016

A Trip To The Beach With The Circus Dog

Harley dog wants to take so much stuff to the beach that I am beginning to think he is trying to move there permanently. 

Harley thinks he is in the circus and the beach is his stage. He claims all this "stuff" he needs for the beach is in his contract. (In his dreams!)

He wanted a chair, which in this picture he is roughing up with his towel for padded comfort. Then he brought his frisbee, his rubber bouncy ball, his big soccer ball, his golf ball (and he took turns playing with all his toys repeatedly) his water dish, his 30 ounce water container, his poop bags, his treats, his short leash for dragging around the beach pretending not to be loose and free, his 20 foot flexi-leash so he can walk the human through the ocean waves while he dances with the sea foam,  a towel to dry his face, and to top it off, he wants the bicycle too, so he can feel the wind in his fur while the human pedals him up and down the beach. Notice the bicycle requires 3 baskets, 2 for all his doggy stuff and another basket up front for him to ride in. Good grief. 

Matter of fact, the dog brings SO MUCH to the beach, that the human only gets to bring her 8 ounce water thermos. 

There isn't room for anything else. 

We parked by this driftwood tree because Harley dog wanted to race up and down it dancing, then dig in the shade beneath it to China. He likes to have his golf ball with him when he digs. He sticks it in the hole then digs further down. Sometimes the golf ball accidentally flies out of the hole, so he dutifully retrieves it, throws it back in the sand pit then continues digging. 

I may not have a car, but I have a bicycle and one crazy little monkey dog.

Thank you for stopping by. 
We woke up alive and life is goof!

Harley dog recommends it. 

1 comment:

  1. And what more could anybody ask for. Stay safe, Martha


Life is goof!