Sunday, May 03, 2015

Cedar Key in Florida (Part One)

Cedar Key on the west cost of Florida is a funky little place I had the pleasure to visit recently. The campground was small rig friendly. Luckily I was there mid week so we were able to pick a spot that did not have neighbors on either side. Otherwise we might have been overshadowed as most rigs are 3 feet taller than mine and they can cast a lot of shade when parked so close. Cramped is a polite way of saying the lots are teeny tiny.

We are not in lot 9 per the picture below. Matter of fact, our patio mat where Harley dog is standing guard is in fact laying on the edge of lot 9's property line and our picnic table is clearly well over the dotted line. The day before we left, a big camper pulled in so we had to move the picnic table out of the way. Poor Harley had to be on a super short tether of 8 feet when he was outside so he didn't interfere with the neighbors or get run over in the road.

It was buggy during our stay, but we didn't care, I had 7 cans of mosquito repellent  including a can for back woods and deep woods. Not sure what the difference between back woods and deeps woods is, but we were on the left coast of Florida.

In this picture below, you can see our lot number 10 on the right. My rear bedroom window had a grand view of the Gulf of Mexico. I was recuperating with frequent naps. I would lay down on my side, facing the aft window letting the water mesmerize me. Birds flew by continually as if to say hello my friend.

 Whimsical artwork and rocking chairs... my kind of place for sure.
 Just make sure you watch out for bears.
 Even the dumpster area was colorfully painted with happy colors.
 This mural was on the side of the Cafe and Office for the campground.
 Amazing how art can transform an old building into a colorful welcome.
 Caribbean pastels coupled with spring flowers cleverly hid the propane tanks in use by the restaurant.

I was able to get out briefly on my bicycle, just very short rides, but my friend was able to ride far and wide. I was so envious. Can't remember if I mentioned I have an old friend traveling with me at the moment. They brought along their bicycle, a piano and a tiny carry on bag of clothes for the trip.   Two eccentrics, a crazy dog and a piano careening around in my little old motorhome.

Life is goof!

Below is a map of Cedar Key.

 As an old pirate and mermaid, I found the flags flying on the waterfront downtown rather hospitable. Harley rode to town on my bicycle and played on the beach in the background.

We even found both pricey and budget friendly docking.
 The architecture varied widely.

More about Cedar Key coming soon... one of these days. I'm off to bed again. Resting up for healing is time consuming. I have no complaints, life is colorful.


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  1. piano? piano? years ago a friend and i moved pianos. we weighed north of 400lbs and were not fat. would it be to much to ask to see pics of said piano on board? not sayin nutin here just askin just askin.

    ice cream, raz


Life is goof!