Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Joyful Noise

I just spent the morning
moaning and groaning
heaving and hoving
stretching and schlepping
racing and pacing
sweating and swearing

And finally the bed was changed.

Oh the joys of living in a little old RV.

They carry weird sizes too!

Nope, that's not my bed
You didn't think my RV bedroom was THAT big did you?


  1. Sounds like my bed making experience in the morning. Some mornings I just close the bedroom door. Our bedroom is so small, if my DH leaves his slippers by the bed, it blocks the door from closing.

    We decided to downsize to half the living space (about 900 sq. ft.) What happens is you need lots of outdoor storage. We have a rail car, a pole barn, a very large well house and a garden shed and still need space.


Life is goof!