Friday, June 28, 2019

Running Water

It sounds like a native Indian name, Running Water.

I have running plumbed in water now! I am super excited!

Running water. 

It's a beautiful day to wake up alive and see what else can be fixed, repaired, shored-up, patched, cobbled and working again.

Electrical problems and plumbing mess are not my expertise at all. Neither are cell phones or wifi or internet. The longer I live the less I know about putting things back to working order.

Life is goof.

Um good!

Some of my plumbing RV parts came from Amazon faster than I could find them anywhere else so that was handy indeed. 

Enjoy your day, it's a beautiful one!

I rename from Dear Miss Mermaid to Running Water.


  1. I moved to Indian Territory Oklahoma and thought at first my Indian name might be "Sitting Duck". It's a crazy place.

    1. Some days the crazy parade goes by here too! Thanks for commenting and for reading. Have a blessed day!


Life is goof!