Sunday, January 05, 2014

Pucking Fain Driving Me Crazy

Sunrise out my front door.

Life is beautiful.

Sorry I haven't written much lately. I've been to an urgent care facility while mostly in bed trying to get well in a hurry with as few drugs as possible.

The pucking fain is gawd awful.

More later.

Poor Harley Dawg has only had minimal exercise, but he has been a pretty good buddy to have around.

However, when I am not looking, he has been relocating his food dish to another part of the motorhome as if he is bored and needs alternative dining for his enjoyment. Tsk tsk tsk. I caught him with the camera too. If anything, it proved I was not imagining this. He was in fact moving his bowls around, I was not randomly scattering them about in my pain-filled haze.

In this case, he carried his food dish up to the chair. Geezus... I don't need this but it does provide some entertainment.

At first I just kept finding his empty food bowls in random spots around the motorhome. I was in a fog already, so it was just adding to the confusion. Then I caught him a few times, picking up one of his food bowls and moving it somewhere else to dine.

I fear he is imitating humans. Doesn't he know he's adopted?

1 comment:

Life is goof!