Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Monday, April 28, 2014
The Bark Ranger Is In
Life is wonderful! I woke up alive, the sun came up, the doggy wagged his tail. What more could I want? Beautiful flowers are blooming.
I'm exhausted from the weekend workamping but that's OK. I am pretty much in the park 24/7. Harley has set up his chair, outfitting it with his bed, blankie, toys and a few golf balls he hides in the corner. He is happy enough keeping watch over the park, keeping everyone in line. One morning he hurled himself with such enthusiastic force into his chair, that it folded right up with him in it!
Silly boy.
My list of things to do is always so long, some days I don't know where to start. Should I make repairs to the motorhome or catch up on the laundry? Should I clean the litter out of the park or fold up the complimentary lake maps? Should I wash the dishes or wash the dog? Should we ride the bicycle or patrol on foot and paw?
Above, Harley is having a go round with the misbehaving monkey. I always knew Harley flies around, look at the close up. It appears no legs are touching the patio.
I caught this incredible picture (below) right after Harley flung monkey with such speed that monkey appears to be chasing him with speedy legs and flailing arms. Too funny!
It's been a tad cool in the mornings (below 72F) so Harley refuses to give up the sweater until it warms up.
I'm exhausted from the weekend workamping but that's OK. I am pretty much in the park 24/7. Harley has set up his chair, outfitting it with his bed, blankie, toys and a few golf balls he hides in the corner. He is happy enough keeping watch over the park, keeping everyone in line. One morning he hurled himself with such enthusiastic force into his chair, that it folded right up with him in it!
Silly boy.
My list of things to do is always so long, some days I don't know where to start. Should I make repairs to the motorhome or catch up on the laundry? Should I clean the litter out of the park or fold up the complimentary lake maps? Should I wash the dishes or wash the dog? Should we ride the bicycle or patrol on foot and paw?
Above, Harley is having a go round with the misbehaving monkey. I always knew Harley flies around, look at the close up. It appears no legs are touching the patio.
I caught this incredible picture (below) right after Harley flung monkey with such speed that monkey appears to be chasing him with speedy legs and flailing arms. Too funny!
It's been a tad cool in the mornings (below 72F) so Harley refuses to give up the sweater until it warms up.
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Saturday, April 26, 2014
I've been so busy workamping at the lake park, that I've not had time to write much at all.
For the past two weekends, plus Good Friday, boaters began arriving at 4am and just kept on coming in all morning long. At times there was traffic backed all the way up to the park entrance as boaters patiently waited for the folks ahead of them to launch their boats and get parked. We have a triple boat launch, but still everyone needs some maneuvering room.
You think I can fit anymore trucks and boat trailers in the parking lot? Every truck you see also has a boat trailer attached. Not only did I fill up the parking lot, but we squeezed a few in with some impromptu spaces overflowing onto the grass where possible. Still running out of room, I started filling up my driveway and yard until I had 12 more trucks and trailers sitting in my driveway and all over the grass.
The ranger turned up about that time. She was duly impressed I had the chaos under control and a bit amused that I had opened up my ample driveway to the overflow. I had my little park office scattered about on the patio. Harley was super thrilled to see the ranger, he thinks she only stops by to play ball with him.
Below is my driveway after the first four parked. My motorhome is hiding in the back left. Within the hour, I had eight more trucks and trailers squeezed in. Harley and I had just returned from park patrol when I parked these 4 up here. It was a bit cool this morning so he was wearing a little colorful sweater.
Harley did a great job of guarding the trucks and trailers. When people started showing up late in the day to reclaim their trucks and trailers, he was giving them pure grief with frantic barking. I had to keep saying "Shh! It's their truck, let them have it back!"
Harley wanted to charge them all a dog biscuit each for parking in his play land.
I keep trying to catch the red crested woodpecker that keeps pecking at the street light shown above. It makes a huge ruckus. Apparently he has yet to realize it's metal and not wood.
Life is goof.
For the past two weekends, plus Good Friday, boaters began arriving at 4am and just kept on coming in all morning long. At times there was traffic backed all the way up to the park entrance as boaters patiently waited for the folks ahead of them to launch their boats and get parked. We have a triple boat launch, but still everyone needs some maneuvering room.
You think I can fit anymore trucks and boat trailers in the parking lot? Every truck you see also has a boat trailer attached. Not only did I fill up the parking lot, but we squeezed a few in with some impromptu spaces overflowing onto the grass where possible. Still running out of room, I started filling up my driveway and yard until I had 12 more trucks and trailers sitting in my driveway and all over the grass.
The ranger turned up about that time. She was duly impressed I had the chaos under control and a bit amused that I had opened up my ample driveway to the overflow. I had my little park office scattered about on the patio. Harley was super thrilled to see the ranger, he thinks she only stops by to play ball with him.
Below is my driveway after the first four parked. My motorhome is hiding in the back left. Within the hour, I had eight more trucks and trailers squeezed in. Harley and I had just returned from park patrol when I parked these 4 up here. It was a bit cool this morning so he was wearing a little colorful sweater.
Harley did a great job of guarding the trucks and trailers. When people started showing up late in the day to reclaim their trucks and trailers, he was giving them pure grief with frantic barking. I had to keep saying "Shh! It's their truck, let them have it back!"
Harley wanted to charge them all a dog biscuit each for parking in his play land.
I keep trying to catch the red crested woodpecker that keeps pecking at the street light shown above. It makes a huge ruckus. Apparently he has yet to realize it's metal and not wood.
Life is goof.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
All Strung Out
I am settling into my new old camp spot to volunteer workamp.
'Tis the season of the string.
While cleaning and organizing I came across a baggie full of assorted lines, strings, twines and small ropes.
Oh what fun!
I've strung up the awning with a safety tie-down to protect it from winds. Ran a 100 foot line from the lamp post to a mighty tree with a another tether on a D-ring attached so that one active puppy can play a rambunctious game of fetch without getting loose in traffic.
Tied a clothesline from an abandoned satellite dish pole to a tree for solar laundry drying. Strung up twine to dangle strings of white holiday lights for evening glow around the patio.
Utilized the old awning for a picnic table cloth, then tied it down with string so the wind can't reclaim it.
Hundreds of yards later, I'm all out of string.
Guess you could say I'm all strung up... and strung out.
But it was fun, fun, fun!
Next comes our Park and Bark Host duties.
Life is goof.
'Tis the season of the string.
While cleaning and organizing I came across a baggie full of assorted lines, strings, twines and small ropes.
Oh what fun!
I've strung up the awning with a safety tie-down to protect it from winds. Ran a 100 foot line from the lamp post to a mighty tree with a another tether on a D-ring attached so that one active puppy can play a rambunctious game of fetch without getting loose in traffic.
Tied a clothesline from an abandoned satellite dish pole to a tree for solar laundry drying. Strung up twine to dangle strings of white holiday lights for evening glow around the patio.
Utilized the old awning for a picnic table cloth, then tied it down with string so the wind can't reclaim it.
Hundreds of yards later, I'm all out of string.
Guess you could say I'm all strung up... and strung out.
But it was fun, fun, fun!
Next comes our Park and Bark Host duties.
Life is goof.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Milky Way
Good thing that cow was mooving along and didn't cause a cowlamity. Nothing like a cow wreck to cause a major cowtrastophe. Sounds like she cowlculated wrong in her mamoovers. Could be she was just plain recowlcitrant. I hope her hooves don't get cowlusses.
Maybe she was hoofhiking to Cowlifornia. If she mooed slowly she might have been from South Cowrolina. If she can write real fancy then she knows cowligraphy.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
What Next
Humans think up the darnedest things to do. This guy was ahead of me hauling gawd-knows-what that was hanging out of his truck, as wide as the road, no ropes in evidence, no bright red rags dangling in the wind. I was going 55 miles per hour and he was way ahead.
The picture is blurry because I was quite a ways back from him. I took the picture in case I had to explain to the insurance company what the heck hit me.
Awhile back I wrote about being scared out of my underpants when inexplicably the car fender from an auto ahead of me that was probably traveling over 70 miles per hour, came flying back down the road, slapping my windshield loud as a sudden clap of thunder. My overhead cab where the guest loft resides sticks out over my hood and above my windshield. The fender bounced up and down hitting the loft a few times while the dog and I stared in terror.
The car had previously passed me in a flash. Angels from above temporarily turned my windshield into bulletproof glass protecting me and the doggy. There is no other explanation as to why the windshield didn't shatter into a million and one pieces. We were both so shook up, I pulled off the road immediately to check for damages. I was shaking from head to toe like a palm frond in a hurricane. The dog was frightened and cowering in his seat. I had to utilize the broom closet right away (I keep a toilet in there.) Next we got out to walk around so Harley could water the bushes.
I picked up the offending fender. We traveled with it for awhile. By then the car was long gone. Since I had lived outside the USA for over two decades, I am pretty clueless at identifying types, makes and models of cars. The fender was a reminder that miracles and angels do in fact exist, you just have to believe. One day a few weeks later, I finally threw the fender out at a campground dumpster.
Occasionally I have wondered if and when the car owner noticed that their rear fender was missing in action. Well, if they ever turned around to go look for it, they didn't find it because for some fool reason, I was traveling with it in case I found the offender.
They still owe me a pair of new underwear.
The picture is blurry because I was quite a ways back from him. I took the picture in case I had to explain to the insurance company what the heck hit me.
Awhile back I wrote about being scared out of my underpants when inexplicably the car fender from an auto ahead of me that was probably traveling over 70 miles per hour, came flying back down the road, slapping my windshield loud as a sudden clap of thunder. My overhead cab where the guest loft resides sticks out over my hood and above my windshield. The fender bounced up and down hitting the loft a few times while the dog and I stared in terror.
The car had previously passed me in a flash. Angels from above temporarily turned my windshield into bulletproof glass protecting me and the doggy. There is no other explanation as to why the windshield didn't shatter into a million and one pieces. We were both so shook up, I pulled off the road immediately to check for damages. I was shaking from head to toe like a palm frond in a hurricane. The dog was frightened and cowering in his seat. I had to utilize the broom closet right away (I keep a toilet in there.) Next we got out to walk around so Harley could water the bushes.
I picked up the offending fender. We traveled with it for awhile. By then the car was long gone. Since I had lived outside the USA for over two decades, I am pretty clueless at identifying types, makes and models of cars. The fender was a reminder that miracles and angels do in fact exist, you just have to believe. One day a few weeks later, I finally threw the fender out at a campground dumpster.
Occasionally I have wondered if and when the car owner noticed that their rear fender was missing in action. Well, if they ever turned around to go look for it, they didn't find it because for some fool reason, I was traveling with it in case I found the offender.
They still owe me a pair of new underwear.
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Hoppity Easter from the Lake
Hoppy Easter from the dog!
After we arrived at Lake Hartwell, I put Harley outside with a rug he could lay on, since the concrete is pretty rough, like for a steep slippery hill, yet it's level. I have no idea why they used such rough concrete for the RV pad and patio. One of those mysteries!
Harley dragged his Bobo outside. That's the name for a long skinny toy with a face. He previously gutted it, so I tied a knot in the middle of Bobo shortening him up a bit and tucking his innards back in. Harley laid Bobo on the rug then looked at me wondering if I was going to bring out another rug for him to lay on. *Sigh*
After we arrived at Lake Hartwell, I put Harley outside with a rug he could lay on, since the concrete is pretty rough, like for a steep slippery hill, yet it's level. I have no idea why they used such rough concrete for the RV pad and patio. One of those mysteries!
Harley dragged his Bobo outside. That's the name for a long skinny toy with a face. He previously gutted it, so I tied a knot in the middle of Bobo shortening him up a bit and tucking his innards back in. Harley laid Bobo on the rug then looked at me wondering if I was going to bring out another rug for him to lay on. *Sigh*
The day we arrived Lake Hartwell was gorgeous. This is a partial view from our patio. We were so excited in spite of the nip in the air. Then an hour later temperatures plummeted to near freezing. Next it poured rain for two days and two nights. We were trapped inside when we longed to be in the great outdoors.
Well, I had to detour recently to get my roof patched up again, so this was a good test. Lucky for me it stayed dry.
With all this rain and muck, I hope I don't forget how to ride the bicycle.
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Colleton State Park in South Carolina
Colleton State Park is 30 miles from my favorite RV repairman in Summerville. If you ever need top quality work on your RV, call LowCountry RV Service. They are mobile repairmen or you can go to their shop.
Azaelas were in full bloom at Colleton. I have stayed at this state park many times. I love to hike through the cypress swamp and gaze at the Edisto River, a popular canoe and kayak destination. The Rangers at the park are super nice and very accommodating. A volunteer workamper also lives in the campground. The park is very well maintained with relaxed vibes.
Not only is it a wayside park, but it's on Wayside Lane. They offer up free fishing equipment and assorted games and toys you can borrow for your leisure.
This is how we roll, down country roads. It's like eye candy. I find it far more civil than racing down the interstates. Early in my travels, a cut a piece of heavy rubber shelf liner to use on the ample dash. This keeps my maps and snacks from sliding around. I can reach the jumbo atlas while still in my driver's seat.
Here's my little navigator taking a much needed rest. (And you wonder how I get lost so often!) He rides on a pile of pillows in his bed which is anchored down by the seatbelt. The pillows beneath him, make it easier for him to sit up and watch out the window, something he often enjoys. For safety, I have him in his harness, with a leash which is also attached to the safety belt. Hopefully we will never be in a wreck, but if we are, I hope this arrangement will spare him.
I love seeing more and more murals pop up in quaint little towns where older buildings are being reclaimed for modern business use.
I like to take a picture of everywhere my camper spends one or more nights. Here I am nestled in the trees at Colleton State Park.
Pink and white azaleas were in bloom offering stunning contrast to the olive green and pine needle brown of the park. I am delighted so many trees survived. The horrific ice storm in South Carolina in February 12-13 of 2014 made such a mess of the trees and roads, that the park had to be closed for 5 weeks while staff and volunteers worked to reopen the park.
Harley knows every trail and loves to visit them all on each visit. Here he is headed down the boardwalk to the Edisto River banks.
The rangers keep thier office tidy with a small souvenir shop inside and red rocking chairs outside. When I went to pay an additional night, the office was closed. I settled into a rocking chair, closing my eyes, and just listening to the birds tweeting and warbling. I was about to rock myself to sleep when the ranger appeared.
Azaelas were in full bloom at Colleton. I have stayed at this state park many times. I love to hike through the cypress swamp and gaze at the Edisto River, a popular canoe and kayak destination. The Rangers at the park are super nice and very accommodating. A volunteer workamper also lives in the campground. The park is very well maintained with relaxed vibes.
Not only is it a wayside park, but it's on Wayside Lane. They offer up free fishing equipment and assorted games and toys you can borrow for your leisure.
This is how we roll, down country roads. It's like eye candy. I find it far more civil than racing down the interstates. Early in my travels, a cut a piece of heavy rubber shelf liner to use on the ample dash. This keeps my maps and snacks from sliding around. I can reach the jumbo atlas while still in my driver's seat.
Here's my little navigator taking a much needed rest. (And you wonder how I get lost so often!) He rides on a pile of pillows in his bed which is anchored down by the seatbelt. The pillows beneath him, make it easier for him to sit up and watch out the window, something he often enjoys. For safety, I have him in his harness, with a leash which is also attached to the safety belt. Hopefully we will never be in a wreck, but if we are, I hope this arrangement will spare him.
I love seeing more and more murals pop up in quaint little towns where older buildings are being reclaimed for modern business use.
I like to take a picture of everywhere my camper spends one or more nights. Here I am nestled in the trees at Colleton State Park.
Pink and white azaleas were in bloom offering stunning contrast to the olive green and pine needle brown of the park. I am delighted so many trees survived. The horrific ice storm in South Carolina in February 12-13 of 2014 made such a mess of the trees and roads, that the park had to be closed for 5 weeks while staff and volunteers worked to reopen the park.
Harley knows every trail and loves to visit them all on each visit. Here he is headed down the boardwalk to the Edisto River banks.
The rangers keep thier office tidy with a small souvenir shop inside and red rocking chairs outside. When I went to pay an additional night, the office was closed. I settled into a rocking chair, closing my eyes, and just listening to the birds tweeting and warbling. I was about to rock myself to sleep when the ranger appeared.
Friday, April 18, 2014
UFO Welcome Center
All that internet voodoo has been cleared up now. Very strange all around. Finally my entire internet system crashed just before I was set to travel. Once I arrived at my final destination, I made calls to my internet provider. Finally I am up and running smooth again. The internet company tried to force me into a new pricier plan, but I insisted I had been told I could keep my old obsolete plan indefinitely, so he reluctantly changed my records back to my old cheap plan. Whee!
I found out all those strange lights and the internet interference might have been because I was camping only 26 miles from the UFO Welcome Center. Perhaps they were welcoming another UFO and their electronics interfered severely with my google voodoo. It's top secret info whether or not a UFO visited or not. But what little I know, I can relate to you here.
Construction on the Welcome Center began in 1994 so that aliens would find a place to rest after their long journey to earth. It would appear that some aliens have crash landed while trying to visit, damaging the original structure.
The UFO Welcome Center was established by an earthling who wanted to welcome aliens with some southern hospitality. Eventually he built his own traveling spaceship which sits atop the welcome center. This is so that he can journey with the UFO's that visit him. A different kind of caravan convoy RV-ing.
He charges earthlings a fee to tour his welcome center and private space craft, but UFO's and aliens are welcomed in for free. He's had to erect a fence around the place to keep nosy paparazzi at bay. Assorted cats and dogs work as security guards.
The bottom saucer is 42 feet across and is entered through a concealed ramp that is lowered from above by an electrical motor. The top spacecraft is 20 feet across. Both are completely furnished for living and the owner occupies same most of the year.
I love traveling the backroads, you just never know what you might stumble into next. In this case, I wandered into the possible source of my internet problems.
Life is goof.
I enjoy the comments you leave about my posts. I am not allowed to edit any comments you leave, I can either keep it or delete it. Once in a while I delete some, because it's marketing a scammy website. This comment ended with a scam link so it was deleted, but I thought you might enjoy their take on the English language:
Its such as you learn my mind! You seem to understand so much approximately this, like you wrote the guide in it or something. I think that you could do with some percent to force the message house a little bit, however other than that, that is great blog. A great read. I'll definitely be back.
Maybe aliens wrote this!
I have to go now that I've come in for a landing to volunteer workamp. Besides our Park and Bark Host duties, there is so much to do to get the motorhome shipshape again. Right now it resembles a post hurricane disaster.
I found out all those strange lights and the internet interference might have been because I was camping only 26 miles from the UFO Welcome Center. Perhaps they were welcoming another UFO and their electronics interfered severely with my google voodoo. It's top secret info whether or not a UFO visited or not. But what little I know, I can relate to you here.
Construction on the Welcome Center began in 1994 so that aliens would find a place to rest after their long journey to earth. It would appear that some aliens have crash landed while trying to visit, damaging the original structure.
The UFO Welcome Center was established by an earthling who wanted to welcome aliens with some southern hospitality. Eventually he built his own traveling spaceship which sits atop the welcome center. This is so that he can journey with the UFO's that visit him. A different kind of caravan convoy RV-ing.
He charges earthlings a fee to tour his welcome center and private space craft, but UFO's and aliens are welcomed in for free. He's had to erect a fence around the place to keep nosy paparazzi at bay. Assorted cats and dogs work as security guards.
The bottom saucer is 42 feet across and is entered through a concealed ramp that is lowered from above by an electrical motor. The top spacecraft is 20 feet across. Both are completely furnished for living and the owner occupies same most of the year.
I love traveling the backroads, you just never know what you might stumble into next. In this case, I wandered into the possible source of my internet problems.
Life is goof.
I enjoy the comments you leave about my posts. I am not allowed to edit any comments you leave, I can either keep it or delete it. Once in a while I delete some, because it's marketing a scammy website. This comment ended with a scam link so it was deleted, but I thought you might enjoy their take on the English language:
Its such as you learn my mind! You seem to understand so much approximately this, like you wrote the guide in it or something. I think that you could do with some percent to force the message house a little bit, however other than that, that is great blog. A great read. I'll definitely be back.
Maybe aliens wrote this!
I have to go now that I've come in for a landing to volunteer workamp. Besides our Park and Bark Host duties, there is so much to do to get the motorhome shipshape again. Right now it resembles a post hurricane disaster.
Visit Earth's Biggest Selection
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Google Voodoo
My internet has gone crazy. Normally I use google chrome but it won't let me visit any websites except facebook and maps. Finally went through AOL to use the internet. Internet Explorer on its own doesn't work either. Facebook drives me a bit batty, I still don't understand the concept.
Of course I have an antique phone that only makes calls in and out and doesn't do any other tricks. I am so confused about texting and facebooking and why either is so wildly popular. I'd rather be out in nature. Well, when it's not to frighteningly cold. Cold makes my condition worse, so cold is super hard on me. Boo hoo, I am just smiling and willing the sun to warm me up!
Today I am bundled up in 2 pairs of pants, 2 sweaters, a super heavy jacket, fleece lined boots and I am in South Carolina 70 miles from the coast in mid April. I heard rumors while walking the dog that it is snowing up north.
Hello? Wasn't spring supposed to arrive by now?
Even Easter is late this year.
I am stuck in the c-c-c-cold, a bit too weak to travel. I guess I better go pay for another night at this campground here because I am not ready to travel and checkout is in 5 minutes.
If my blog goes dead for a few days, then something is bad wrong with either me or the internet or both.
I am a tad worried that my computer might have a virus or malware. Not sure. Nothing is working right except AOL, thank goodness for small favors. Glad I still use AOL, never understand why they got a bad rep, they've always been good to me. I still find their proprietary email program to be superior to others. Today the AOL program is only thing working right on my computer.
Oh and more voodoo...
Woke up in the middle of the night. Looked out the windows and there was this huge blinking white light up above the campground. The tall trees had it obscurred, but I couldn't figure out what on earth it was. It just seemed to hover and blink, but no helicopter sounds. Now and then I would hear a truck fly down the highway but couldn't hear the blinking thing in the sky.
I found the full moon peeking out from the high trees. At first I thought maybe it was the full moon hiding behind windy trees, but um no, that wasn't it either.
But the blinking light was bright white, just hovering and blinking.
Well, if it was aliens, they didn't take me away.
I have no idea what this is...
Well, never mind, I can't seem to upload the pic.
Of course I have an antique phone that only makes calls in and out and doesn't do any other tricks. I am so confused about texting and facebooking and why either is so wildly popular. I'd rather be out in nature. Well, when it's not to frighteningly cold. Cold makes my condition worse, so cold is super hard on me. Boo hoo, I am just smiling and willing the sun to warm me up!
Today I am bundled up in 2 pairs of pants, 2 sweaters, a super heavy jacket, fleece lined boots and I am in South Carolina 70 miles from the coast in mid April. I heard rumors while walking the dog that it is snowing up north.
Hello? Wasn't spring supposed to arrive by now?
Even Easter is late this year.
I am stuck in the c-c-c-cold, a bit too weak to travel. I guess I better go pay for another night at this campground here because I am not ready to travel and checkout is in 5 minutes.
If my blog goes dead for a few days, then something is bad wrong with either me or the internet or both.
I am a tad worried that my computer might have a virus or malware. Not sure. Nothing is working right except AOL, thank goodness for small favors. Glad I still use AOL, never understand why they got a bad rep, they've always been good to me. I still find their proprietary email program to be superior to others. Today the AOL program is only thing working right on my computer.
Oh and more voodoo...
Woke up in the middle of the night. Looked out the windows and there was this huge blinking white light up above the campground. The tall trees had it obscurred, but I couldn't figure out what on earth it was. It just seemed to hover and blink, but no helicopter sounds. Now and then I would hear a truck fly down the highway but couldn't hear the blinking thing in the sky.
I found the full moon peeking out from the high trees. At first I thought maybe it was the full moon hiding behind windy trees, but um no, that wasn't it either.
But the blinking light was bright white, just hovering and blinking.
Well, if it was aliens, they didn't take me away.
I have no idea what this is...
Well, never mind, I can't seem to upload the pic.
Monday, April 14, 2014
Southern Hospitality
I love being in the small towns of the Low Country of South Carolina. Old fashioned southern etiquette still abounds. People in the grocery store politely wait behind you while you shop for something on a shelf. Other times they stop completely, then delicately say "please excuse me" before passing by.
It's not uncommon to hear "Yes, ma'am" and "No, sir". Southern store clerks will chat to you in multiple paragraphs while beeping up your purchases or merely stocking shelves. Funny, it used to be cashiers rang up your products but now the machines beep instead of ding.
While checking into a southern campground late this evening, I was of course alone with dog. First the spot had to be carefully backed into, then to my dismay, I had to pull out leveling boards or else my refrigerator couldn't operate properly. (It must be level and I hate rolling off a crooked bed.) First the male volunteer workamper rushed over to help, then the ranger stopped his truck in the middle of the street to jump out and assist. By golly we had those boards out and that RV level in quick order and my hands never even got dirty. My fees hadn't even been paid yet but they wanted to "settle you in first, ma'am". The ranger gallantly offered me and my dog a ride back to the office in his truck.
He opened the pickup door for me, then the office door when we arrived. When I said I would just walk back so that doggy could water some bushes along the way, he jumped up from around his desk, to open the door for us to go outside. All the while we had a nonstop conversation about a variety of fun subjects.
Ah... the thrill of great southern manners.
My day had started out really rough. I was happy but my body woke up all grouchy, shooting daggers of pain. I tried smiling, I tried stretching, I tried deep breathing, I tried praying, I tried rolling my eyes heavenward. Then the RV repairman called to ask what time I might be stopping by his place for the leaky roof repairs. I was hit by falling tree branches and the gasket around the overhead air conditioner unit appeared to have popped loose. During the storm, water ran all across the ceiling, then filled up 3 cabinets which I had to quickly dump out.
I explained, I was moving a bit slowly, and if he had anything else to do, don't let me hold him up. I would just come park my RV and be napping until his return. I was apologizing for being so vague, but he's found me napping at his place before, or napping while he works on my RV, so he's kind of used to my erratic energy level. He's amazed I can sleep through electric drills, air compressor tools and people walking on the roof or through the motorhome.
He's a mobile repairman, but I prefer to travel to his shop at home, located 100 miles away down country roads. It's a pretty drive for the most part with some of the byways hiding under a canopy of ancient trees, dripping in moss that cover and shade the entire road, like driving through a verdant surreal tunnel.
When I finally arrived, it was kind of mid afternoon, as the day had just been one of those if it can go wrong it will sort of day. Before I set out, Harley and I took a stroll around the campground and out to the beach briefly. I was amazed at the number of friendly people we kept running into. Harley dog had somehow made friends all over the place during our stay and well, I guess folks were being nice to me too, since we're kind of a package deal.
Many people often asked me if I am a native Indian. Sometimes I just say "half-breed" or when I'm feeling silly, I say "mixed breed". One morning recently I woke up and decided to whimsically put my long hair in braids. Then I rode my shiny red bicycle with doggy in his wicker basket up front, while wobbling up and down the beach during low tide letting my braids flap in the wind with a goofy grin on my face. I didn't care that folks laughed or called me Dorothy or called out "It's Toto!" It was such fun, I wondered if I was really just a child, pretending to be an adult.
It's not uncommon to hear "Yes, ma'am" and "No, sir". Southern store clerks will chat to you in multiple paragraphs while beeping up your purchases or merely stocking shelves. Funny, it used to be cashiers rang up your products but now the machines beep instead of ding.
While checking into a southern campground late this evening, I was of course alone with dog. First the spot had to be carefully backed into, then to my dismay, I had to pull out leveling boards or else my refrigerator couldn't operate properly. (It must be level and I hate rolling off a crooked bed.) First the male volunteer workamper rushed over to help, then the ranger stopped his truck in the middle of the street to jump out and assist. By golly we had those boards out and that RV level in quick order and my hands never even got dirty. My fees hadn't even been paid yet but they wanted to "settle you in first, ma'am". The ranger gallantly offered me and my dog a ride back to the office in his truck.
He opened the pickup door for me, then the office door when we arrived. When I said I would just walk back so that doggy could water some bushes along the way, he jumped up from around his desk, to open the door for us to go outside. All the while we had a nonstop conversation about a variety of fun subjects.
Ah... the thrill of great southern manners.
My day had started out really rough. I was happy but my body woke up all grouchy, shooting daggers of pain. I tried smiling, I tried stretching, I tried deep breathing, I tried praying, I tried rolling my eyes heavenward. Then the RV repairman called to ask what time I might be stopping by his place for the leaky roof repairs. I was hit by falling tree branches and the gasket around the overhead air conditioner unit appeared to have popped loose. During the storm, water ran all across the ceiling, then filled up 3 cabinets which I had to quickly dump out.
I explained, I was moving a bit slowly, and if he had anything else to do, don't let me hold him up. I would just come park my RV and be napping until his return. I was apologizing for being so vague, but he's found me napping at his place before, or napping while he works on my RV, so he's kind of used to my erratic energy level. He's amazed I can sleep through electric drills, air compressor tools and people walking on the roof or through the motorhome.
He's a mobile repairman, but I prefer to travel to his shop at home, located 100 miles away down country roads. It's a pretty drive for the most part with some of the byways hiding under a canopy of ancient trees, dripping in moss that cover and shade the entire road, like driving through a verdant surreal tunnel.
When I finally arrived, it was kind of mid afternoon, as the day had just been one of those if it can go wrong it will sort of day. Before I set out, Harley and I took a stroll around the campground and out to the beach briefly. I was amazed at the number of friendly people we kept running into. Harley dog had somehow made friends all over the place during our stay and well, I guess folks were being nice to me too, since we're kind of a package deal.
Many people often asked me if I am a native Indian. Sometimes I just say "half-breed" or when I'm feeling silly, I say "mixed breed". One morning recently I woke up and decided to whimsically put my long hair in braids. Then I rode my shiny red bicycle with doggy in his wicker basket up front, while wobbling up and down the beach during low tide letting my braids flap in the wind with a goofy grin on my face. I didn't care that folks laughed or called me Dorothy or called out "It's Toto!" It was such fun, I wondered if I was really just a child, pretending to be an adult.
Harley carries his tennis ball home.
Earth's Biggest Selection!
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Spring Fling Gone to My Head
Smile! Pray! Sing! Rejoice! Meditate! Be thankful! Life is GOOD!
If you woke up alive, it's going to be a GREAT day!
Flowers are fleeting but oh so gorgeous. This one grows on a huge bush planted at the dumpster I walk or pedal to daily.
If you feel like your hardships are many, think of yourself as this tree. No matter what the seas and storms throw it's way, it still keeps standing tall, reaching for the sky.
If you woke up alive, it's going to be a GREAT day!
If you feel like your hardships are many, think of yourself as this tree. No matter what the seas and storms throw it's way, it still keeps standing tall, reaching for the sky.
Friday, April 11, 2014
Happy Birthday From The Dog
Hi. My name is Harley Dog. Today is my pet parent's birthday, so I took her out for the day. Since she likes sun, sand, sea and salt, I took her to her favorite spot on planet earth; the beach at Hunting Island State Bark.
After we parked our ride at the beach, I polished up the bicycle wiff my wittle paws. It was ruff work but I wanted to do something special.

Then we went for a walk.

We barked at the crabs.

We made funny faces.

We built a sandcastle.

We dug a hole to China.

We played tennis and Frisbee, but the bicycle blew over, so we used the Frisbee to hold up the kickstand.

We sniffed drift wood.

We had to paws to shake rapidly to get the sand out of our fur and hair.

We sniffed and poked a pink amorphous blob of sea pork.

We studied seashells.

We went wading in the ocean.

We made paw prints in the mud.

I think we had a pawsitively wonderful day celebrating her birthday. Dear Miss Mermaid laughed so much, I think she had a howlarious time too.

***I wrote this doggone post wiff my wittle paws.
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