Saturday, June 04, 2011

Now That School Is Out

Now that most children are out of school, teachers can anonymously share the things children write, that give them the giggles grading papers late at night.  (That explains the scattered coffee stains on those graded papers.)

Sir Walter Raleigh circumcised the world with a big clipper.  

I would like to be an accountant but  you have to know alot about maths.

The total is when you add up all the numbers and a remainder is an animal that pulls Santa on his slay. 

A mosque is a sort of church. The main difference is that its roof is doomed. 

The closest town to France is Dover. You can get to France on a train or a fairy. 

If it is less than 90 degrees, then it is a cute angel. 

Helicopters are cleverer than planes. Not only can they fly through the air, they can also hoover.  

Then Joan of Ark met her end. She was burned as a steak.  

Crabs and creatures like them all belong to a family of crushed asians. 

In geography we learned that countries with sea round them are islands and countries without are incontinents.  

If you marry two people, you are a pigamist, but morons are allowed to do this. 

In Scandinavia, the Danish people come from Denmark, the Norwegians come from Normay, the Lapdancers comes from Lapland. 

A Big Thank You To  Angels
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1 comment:

Life is goof!