Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Nature Calls

Morning has broken. It is so cool here this morning, in the low 70's with perfect spring-like weather. The park is quiet, just a few birds chattering, whistling, coo-cooing.

The sounds of nature are briefly interrupted when a  motorcycle arrives uncertainly in the park, his owner grinding and stripping each gear. Not sure if he is a new rider or the bike is falling apart or both.

He makes a sedate trip through the park, then leaves. Nature resumes her bird calls. 

Harley dog and I go for a long walk, enjoying the pleasant weather. He is on an 18 foot flexi-lead. He stops to water something, but I keep walking. Before the 18 foot is spent, he races to catch up with me, then races ahead 18 feet, then he stops again, this time to taste some salad. 

Certain greenery attracts him.  He munches on it, but never tosses his cookies.  I refer to it as his salad. He doesn't eat much. Yesterday I gave him a spoon of tuna.  He ate it all, but wouldn't eat a second spoon.   Today he finds a rubber shoe heal that has fallen off someone's shoe. He brings it back home.  

We return from our walk.  I wash and fill his outdoor water bowl with ice and water. It's actually a miniature bucket we found hiking one day. I washed it up, removed the handle and dedicated it as his outdoor water bowl. He gulps down a good bit, then we play tug-of-war with a frayed rope.  At one point it is wrapped around his head, covering his eyes completely, but he continues to grumble, pull and shake his head fiercely from side to side. Laughter fills the air while I contemplate the joys of starting the day with comedy. 

I set up my little work area outside.  It's so nice and quiet to have my wheel estate doors open, the air-conditioner silent. I try to organize my day but my body is fighting me for more rest.  I've been forced lately to spend part of my days in bed, while my body recuperates.  I'd much rather be up doing things. I was hoping the long walk would energize me, not tire me out. 

A pickup truck towing an empty boat trailer comes down the road to the park. I can hear him before I can see him,  because something is making a loud metallic sound. Then the sounds of a hub cap flying off, hitting the road, reach my ears. The truck never stops, just continues to the boat ramp where he waits for another boat to be pushed up the cove to the boat ramp by another watercraft.  I guess he is taking it out for engine repair.  

The noisy truck departs with his cargo. The cicadas wake up, to begin their mating chorus.  I fight the lethargy, begging my soul to stay awake, there is just such a wonderful world laid out right in front of me. I hate to miss out on any on it by resting. 

I am going to go try cooking, see if I can stay awake long enough to slice up a bunch of red, yellow, orange and green bell peppers I bought discounted that need to be cooked. Perhaps I will make a bell pepper inspired pasta sauce in the little crockpot. Maybe throw some black olives in with the tomato pepper sauce. Plus lots of herbs. 

Something that sounded like a large cat purring has caught our attention.  No idea what that could be. Hopefully just a new bird sound and not a great big cat in the shadows. Now Harley is growling and I don't see what he is looking at high up in the tree. 

I scan the forest for movement, then resume writing. Harley has found a dead leaf to shred, so he lays down to tear it apart. Now there is new loud buzzing, some winged  creature somewhere has chimed in. 

Listening to life is awesome. 

Hurricanes and Hangovers and Other Tall Tales and Loose Lies from the Coconut Telegraph by Dear Miss Mermaid


  1. I always enjoy your posts... hope you are feeling better soon!

  2. Whenever you feel lethargic, why use up energy fighting it? The trick surely is to take a nap, not necessarily for long......sometimes as little as 10 mins can turn you around. I do it all the time. Learned it from sailing.....yes????

    'Luv Frenchie

  3. I am not sure I could get very far with Halley on an 18 foot tether. She stops to smell everything. we would never get anywhere.


Life is goof!