A whimsical sign on A1A.
Living efficiently on an erratic budget means planning ahead. I found these cozy clogs on sale for $3. They will come in handy when cool weather hits us again and a certain puppy dog needs walking.
The guest loft where I was doing gymnastics to make up bed. when I discovered the big front window had leaks!
My current spot at Long Point Park on the water.
Jonathan Dickinson State Park, Florida
The view from my front door at Long Point Park, Florida
Harley naps in his outdoor chair. That quilt he has rearranged to suit him, was made by my mother and I about 4 decades ago. I found it at a friend's house and mentioned the history. They insisted I take it, though it is kind of holey. Harley loves it as if he knows it was made with love, long ago and far away.