Incredible Sunset over Sopers Hole, West End, Tortola British Virgin Islands (By the way, the power lines in the pic look like they have snagged a boat in the harbor, it's an illusion and a reminder we need underground utilities here!)
Monday, September 28, 2009
A Snowstorm in the Caribbean?
Incredible Sunset over Sopers Hole, West End, Tortola British Virgin Islands (By the way, the power lines in the pic look like they have snagged a boat in the harbor, it's an illusion and a reminder we need underground utilities here!)
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Incredible Colors during Sunset
What makes this such a unique picture, is that it was taken during sunset while looking southeast, rather than westward. On the horizon, left to right is Fallen Jerusalem, Broken, Jerusalem, Round Rock, Ginger Island and Cooper Island. A lone sailboat lazily drifts down the Sir Francis Drake Channel. To the left is Buck Island, which is up for sale for a rumored 30 million, which includes the dock and home on 43 acres.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Stay Tuned!
Monday, September 21, 2009
A Sense of Humor... Cats...
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Message in a Bottle...
Frances from Chicago.Dear Miss Mermaid,Glad you are finally doing a wee bit better. I did enjoy reading your snake sneak attack the other day (laughed myself silly). Glad it was you and not me. I hate all forms of snake. I could not have gone back into that house without knowing where the devil he was hiding.The 2 minute video of '....they're sleeping' had great music and great shots. However, when you use snapshots, the view of each of those frames need to be a little longer to see what it is. You get dizzy because they went by kinda fast. Since I am a lover of cats and animals in general, they were just adorable.Your low blood pressure that you experienced can make you feel lazy and lethargic. It can also make you pass out.There are some people who always have a lower blood pressure than average. In your case, I doubt it very much.One of your medications could have dropped it down. Now is the time that you need to get someone to get you a blood pressure monitor kit for yourself. They sell them for your wrist and all is needed is the regular batteries.Your pneumonia can take 6 to 8 weeks to come out of your system. You will be unusually tired because of that. Your lungs are also damaged because of this.You had a bad case of it. Any further cold or cough you get or wheezing, you must run right back to the doctor or hospital. You have to rest, pneumonia will not let you do otherwise.Take care,FrancesTHANK you for the words of wisdom, and I agree, the pics should be longer, I must work on that next! I wish windows movie maker had a way for me to SAVE the before and after titles, credits, signage boards etc., be so much easier than having to recreate them all over again. Also it seems I have change each picture separately for the timeline or redo the entire movie from scratch, but alas, I look forward to working with this program more, as I have scads of pictures I want to do various short movies on.The medical tips are a BIG HELP!
All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten
"Live a balanced life. Learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some ." - Robert Fulghum, author of All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten
A few more quotes by this talented writer:
And it is still true, no matter how old you are, when you go out into the world it is best to hold hands and stick together.
I've always thought anyone can make money. Making a life worth living, that's the real test.
Play fair. Don't hit people. Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody.
Share everything. Don't take things that aren't yours. Put things back where you found them.
Sticks and stones will break our bones, but words will break our hearts.
I've always thought anyone can make money. Making a life worth living, that's the real test.
Trying to get a grip on things here. HA ha ha! Ho ho ho! Tee hee hee!
I used to live ship shade and now things are a hopeless mess! Ugh! Time to reorganize, let go of the old, embrace the future. But not enough getting done each day.
My body just wants to heal and recuperate. That seems to take a great deal of energy, plus I am fighting left and right, with their drugs and my holistic and alternative therapies.
The doctors are certainly well educated and in an emergency, I want all of them with angels, by my side, no doubt about it . They are trained to save life and let you live longer. If my arm falls off, hell yes, I want them saving the rest of me.
But, I seem to think, for the most part, they are hopelessly brainwashed into thinking drugs are the ONLY way. Some scold and overly-lecture, just another negative fruitless effort (in my book!) They saved my life and now we battle over my future and which drugs I will and won't take.
People aren't perfect and neither are patients. I had hoped since I was dealing with a really young doctor, that their mind would be far more open to alternative treatments. But not so, my alternative suggestions for some of the proffered drugs fall on deaf ears. So I don't fill them at the pharmachy and I don't take them.
Others I am taking from the doctor on a trial basis, as yes, they seemed to have improved my life somewhat.
I'm exhausted and tired. Should I make a pot of coffee or go back to bed. I could write all day, my preferred plan of action. But alas, I am under a time line sort of to get a few things done.
I want to do 3 or 4 things a day, but now it takes me a 3 or 4 days to do a thing!
Going back to a simpler life. Do you know it takes hard work to go back to a simpler life? Good grief, it does.
My idea of a simpler life is to pick and choose a few select options for living a hassle free fulfilled life. Being a writer and hopeless artist, I long for simpler, more time to create and be. If shelter and food become very basic and thus very affordable, one can eliminate the hassle of worrying about much money and basics.
How many people waste so much of their life worrying about money? And the clock keeps ticking whether you worry or not. But if you take out the worry, then shoudn't you have more time to create?
And why the need to create? Why look at the world in a humorous way and put that to paper for others to read? Why indeed?
Well, I think the world needs more laughter!
Yes, indeed!
On another note, I was at a beach bar, having a cold ginger beer, and chatting with my lady friends, who all happened to be single. A few men were hanging about, also single, eavesdropping in on our conversation (a favorite island pastime!) and one of the ladies began talking about boyfriends.
I said I was interviewing for a new boyfriend with an IQ above room temp. Well, this sent the ladies into peels of laughter. A few of the men roared with laughter too. Then when all was breifly silent for a moment, while we paused to reflect, a man spoke up and said "What was that? I didn't get it!"
His buddy agreed "I didn't get THAT either!"
Of course we all bellowed with giggles, thinking these two obviously don't qualify...
Decoupage Fish Plate
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Another Movie!
22 WHAT???
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Shh... We're Sleeping...
I find it very relaxing, so if you need a breather spell, to make the world slow down and make you feel good again, this movie is very relaxing and will bring a big smile to your face! ;-)
Monday, September 14, 2009
Today in History

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Okey Dokey!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Almost FOUND it!
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Lotsa Newsy Stuff on 9-9-9
Today is nine nine nine! September 9, 2009!
Click here: Dear Miss Mermaid | Facebook
Well, Facebook FINALLY recognized me, it needs work and I need help, but there it is!
All my DearMissMermaid.Com Links can be found at
I've made a mess of this blog template, tsk tsk tsk. I need more training, I am techno challenged! Or I need a volunteer webmaster to design my template! (One can only WISH!)
By the way, you can get my book HURRICANES and HANGOVERS for FREE by booking a vacation through GoBeach.Com if you say you saw the advertisement on
You can also order a PDF version of the book through Paypal for only $6.00 Email DearMissMermaid AT and replace the AT with you know what! (@)
I write my email that way to AVOID more auto-spammer spiders.
Recipes, pictures, slideshows, coming here SOON!
Quito Rhymer, a good friend of mine and an exremely talented man who writes and plays music plus does incredible artwork, has a NEW ALBUM out, just released on Amazon!
Cool Water
Amazon says it is out of stock, but they just sent me an email that it is was ready to ship, guess they need to update their webpage!
Share from a dear reader (A BIG THANK YOU TOO FROM Dear Miss Mermaid!)
Hi Dear Miss Mermaid,
Managed to buy your book from Amazon UK.
Excellent reading.
Are you able to get Easiyo powder sachets of diy yogurts ?
They are LIVE and come in Plain, Greek and many flavours.
The sachets weigh about 5oz each.
Mix powder with 1 litre of cold water in Yogurt Jar.
Fill special insulated outer container to the mark with boiling water.
Put Yogurt Jar into boilng water container, put lid on.
Leave for 10 hours, hey presto, real live yogurt !
Hope someone can help you with your yogurt supply.
With all best wishes,
Good grief...
Grandparents day is September 13th! Well be SURE to buy them my book HURRICANES and HANGOVERS, not only does one size fit all, but they will LAUGH their way through the stories if the reviews posted at Amazon are any indication!
Hurricanes & Hangovers: and other tall tales and loose lies from the coconut telegraph
Mark your calendar!
September 19th is TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY!
You have 10 days to learn more than just "argh matey!"
Here are some helpful books!
They have changed this posting format and upgraded it and left off the spell heckler! SO bear with me if you found booboos!