Friday, September 04, 2009

When in doubt, just take the next small step

When in doubt, just take the next small step.
~~~~~Regina Brett, 90 years old

I'm alive but the weather from Erika who is now a nonentity is making me ache all over. I may have to go back to bed. Yet I have SO much to do!

I am selling off items I don't need anymore. So phone and email is BUSY with requests and I feel awful. I've had very little sleep and I am too tired to do anything today it seems.

Gosh, maybe I need to just get well. The doctor said I needed to SLOW DOWN and get MORE rest and eat more regularly. Things have upset me lately and I've missed meals or been far too tired to make something.

I thawed out some crab a few days ago and I better hurry up and make crab cakes or else. I feel crabby *tee hee hee*.

1 comment:

Life is goof!