Thursday, June 07, 2012

Silly Monkey Dog

I just love how summer keeps it bright and light outdoors until late in the evening. Even though I despise the enforced daylight time savings idea, it's fun to be up late during the daylight. It's making me stay up later, and not get up at 4am much anymore. Not that it was bright at 4am.  Neither was I, but now I am sleeping much later due to staying up late.

This past  winter, the sun was setting so early, it was cold sometimes, even in Florida.  The wild life in the hunting area was hungry at dark-thirty with eyes for a certain doggy, so we often retired to bed at 7pm with a movie, since it was cold, it was dark and we didn't want to be hunted down.

It poured down rain all morning here in Gumlog, Georgia. Tonight it is light outside at 830pm. It's rather cool, so I built an outdoor fire since I still have some firewood left.  The puppy and I get cold easily.

Below is Harley in his camp chair outside on a cool evening.

harley in his blanket, bed and camping chair by Dear Miss Mermaid, copyright

His little Tshirt made him shiver. So his pet parent was forced into putting a sweater on him, over his Tshirt. He seemed a little relieved, but was still looking woefully cold.

The pet parent brought out his fur lined little bed, sitting it in a red camper chair for him, near the fire, since he prefers to be with his human pack.

He sat in his sweater with a Tshirt on underneath, in his fur lined bed in his camper chair giving me that "Something is missing..." worried look that only he can perfect to looking so pathetic.

Rolling my eyes,  I dutifully fetched his fluffy blankie. I tossed it over him, but he pulled it around this way and that until he got all wrinkled, cozy and comfy.  I had to snap his picture, since he was being hilariously cute.

I often ponder at what age should I tell him that he is in fact, a dog, AND he is adopted too.  Would that devastate him to find this out? 

Maybe I should just let him live in blissful ignorance. 

Finally I could focus on the fire, which turned out to be roaring. I am hoping the fire and outside lights will discourage wildlife from hunting on my patio this year. I would like to be outdoors in the evenings for a change.

And live to tell about it...

Around midnight, I was ready for bed, but hated to leave the blazing fire all alone. So I did my Smokey The Bear routine of utilizing Harley's shovel to smother the fire.

Yep, the dog had to use his toy allowance to buy a small telescoping shovel one month. This is because he dug up several campgrounds, in search of WHAT I have no idea.

When I showed him his new shovel,  he was extremely unimpressed.

He never learned to use the shovel.  *SIGH*

I had to recover all his holes for him.

He has since lost interest in digging holes.  I had to dig my own flower beds recently.  I tried to coax him into a digging holes for me, but he gave me that quizzical look of "Me? HUH?".  Finally I gave up and  used his shovel because he never plays with it anyhow.


  1. Harley is lucky to have such a loving Mom!

  2. He probably lost interest as soon as you bought the shovel:)

  3. Is Harley part Affenpinscher? I have one, the name is German for "monkey dog". He looks kinda like an affen.

  4. I am beginning to think he is part Affenpinscher. He sure does have numerous traits. Hmmm...

  5. I gather you did a search for "Affenpinscher personality traits". the word that sums it up for me is "peculiar".


Life is goof!