Angels everywhere, they appear when I least expect it, and help guide me on my path to a healthier life.
Cruising sailors form unique friendships, and many of my sailing friends have remained friends for many years, even though I moved off my sailboat and sold it. That was a sad day, but I had spent over a decade of fun and mayhem, rebuilding and sailing my boat while living aboard full time at various anchorages in the Caribbean. I had loads of fun those years. I was working too at unique jobs on larger yachts, so I traveled on a variety of boats and ships. Between assignments, I came home to my modest sailboat and rebuilt her.
Visiting my sailing buddies from the Caribbean, who are now in Michigan, has been awesome. They fully understand my island ways. The lack of a watch (the last two stopped inexplicably shortly after purchase). I guess after 20 something years of not wearing a watch or being concerned with the time much, the watches simply rebelled on a mermaid. So I gave up on that.
Living in my motorhome has been a disorganized adventure, much like my sailing days, when I headed one place, ended up in another and very often stayed longer than planned or changed plans rapidly. Go with the flow. Accept some spontaneity in life, it's FUN!
Harley the puppy dog, just LOVED having a week without travel. He and I both were treated to parking in the spectacular garden my friends have so lovingly worked on to make drop dead gorgeous. They also went out of their way to spoil him rotten, allowing him to keep a few toys in their house, so when we visited, he could play, play, play. They bought him more toys and treats and fed him lots of healthy things, trying to boost up his skinny little body.
I walked him through the neighborhood a few times a day, plus he had a doggy run in the garden so he could roll in the grass, sniff the flowers and chase the flutter-flies. At night, we curled up in the motorhome and slept soundly.
Puppy's first 5 months in life were rough, but since I rescued him, I am working hard to improve his health. My friends were determined to help him too. I've barely had him 7 weeks, and it seems like years already.
We often went places in their car where puppy dogs are not allowed, so puppy got some good training at being left alone in the motorhome for a few hours at a time, with his pile of toys, comfy bed, tasty food and water with ice cubes. He came through like a champ, didn't cry when we left and was quiet when we came home, though overly excited as if he had drank a pot of coffee in our absence.
They did take me and puppy dog to a pet store one day. He LOVES shopping and soaked up all the attention the employees and customers were showering on him. While he picked out toys, we mere humans picked out flea and tick stuff, a new tinier harness that fits much better, a longer leash and puppy shampoo. It was Christmas in July for one very spoiled puppy. He thanked my friends with endless kisses and showing off his silly antics. He can leap in the air and do a 360, turning his body completely around, like a compass gone mad in the Bermuda triangle. He is hilarious to watch.
The weather was wonderful all week, I had all the windows open day and night with the occasional use of my overhead fan. This meant I could leave the motorhome door open, with the screened door closed and Harley could watch the garden. He has learned that he may NOT touch the window or door screens, so I don't have to worry about him attempting to chew his way out. He seems sort of smart, and starting to learn some of the many commands I repeat to him daily both verbally and with hand signals.
I forgot how HARD it is to train a puppy!
He gets me walking every day, part of my twelve pronged attack to improving my stamina, improving my health, to living each day happily.
My dear friends toiled hard at putting in my vinyl flooring. A labor of love! I helped as much as I could, but my duties were mainly cleaning up, keeping things organized, fetching tools, turning on lights, opening boxes of tiles, and so on. I don't know how I will ever thank them enough. This has improved my chances at better health 100%.
I was just thrilled to have the old nasty carpet out of the motorhome, it was literally making me sick. I figured it would be a few months, before I got it together to actually replace the flooring with vinyl. Sure I like carpets, but I love a clean home. The old 16 year old carpet was impossible to clean.
Now I can just shake out the throw rugs (which are also washable in a regular washing machine), sweep up the new vinyl floor, mop with paper towels and call it a done deal. Life is GOOD. I am so very very lucky to have angels in my life.
I gave the entire interior of the motorhome a really good cleaning. I am slowly reorganizing my storage cabinets as I figure out what works best. As always, I must be mindful to NOT accumulate junk.
We may think we need loads of STUFF in our lives, but really, a safe place to sleep and food to eat, and love, is all we really need. I wouldn't even have this laptop, if it weren't for I need it to work and write.
Life is wonderful. I am super grateful for all the angels in my life. You've kept me alive through trying times. Thank you thank you!
Pictures coming soon...
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