I was so busy admiring the bridge across the Ohio River, that I didn't realize it was where I was supposed to turn. About 20 miles later, I realized my error.
While I was lost, I came across this bucolic scene.
A caboose with no train. Kind of sad. Do they even use cabooses anymore?
Wild and Wonderful! Just how I feel today! I only got lost about five times. That's wild and it's wonderful. I can't really be lost. I'm just a child of the planet.
A rural road in wild and wonderful West Virginia.
Hearty sunflowers in a front yard garden.
The state capitol. A monument to government. Only problem is, I forget which state I was in, when I came across this scene. Either Ohio or West Virginia or somewhere. I lost often this day. I ran out of maps. Note to self; order more maps from AAA.
A beautiful small town Main Street in West Virginia.
My feisty travel companion is 6 months old, barely weighs 5 pounds and has a strong personality. That is polite way of saying he can be oh so stubborn at times. Little doggy with big attitude. He was born Christmas Eve, but his sun sign seems more like Taurus. Rarely can I get a picture of him not in motion. Even this one is blurry, but it's the best of about 20 shots, the other 19 were deleted, they looked so abstract. He doesn't hang his tongue out much. But he does have beautiful teeth.
Almost an hour later, after backtracking to my intended turn, I found myself on the bridge across the Ohio River. We spent 7 hours traveling. It was much too long for both of us. 2 of the hours were consumed in madness, detours, wrong turns and a sudden change of plans. Go with the flow. I gave up on my intended destination. It pays to be flexible.
Life is beautiful. Enjoy every day.
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