Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Summertime temps in the mid 80's in Melbourne. What fun!

I arrived here wearing fur boots cause it was cold when I left Tomoka State Park. When my tire untreaded, it made a horrific noise. I had just traversed some messy construction mess on I-95 south in Florida.

It's been my custon to always listen to every little noise. I hear about others who ignored noises and did a ton of damages. I hope to avoid such things.

Now the FUN part about waiting for roadside assistance is that it was getting kind of hot. Opening the windows meant the traffic noise was even worse. So we fired up the generator, turned on the AC and enjoyed the comfort.

Next we made spaghetti and meatballs for lunch. Too funny! Sitting by the side of the interstate, savoring a delicious meal.

Actually I had made the meatballs the night before. But what the heck, why eat cereal when we already had the generator running.

My friend rejoined me on my trip in Georgia, but he was following in his car. So I was super lucky in that not only did I have my doggy for company, I had my friend pull over and share the misery too!

The sad thing was no where to walk doggy. My boots were covered in awful sand spurs and those little green things in nature that stick to everything. Nature made velcro!

All the going in and out and we forgot to move the fluffy entry rug. Well guess what... spent an hour getting sandspurs out of that!

Life is goof.

Below are scenes from Tomoka State Park in Florida. Enjoy!

And the awesome angel that came to change my untreaded tire!


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Life is goof!