Tuesday, October 09, 2012

A Note From The Bark Ranger

I am a woofcamper. I volunteer my duties as a Bark Ranger in exchange for pitching my pup tent in the campground.

They gave me an Otto to drive. 

But these gloves are too big.  I can't find the cruise control.  The seat isn't close enough. 

Perhaps I will get my pet parent to drive Otto.

I can ride shotgun. 

Speaking of my pet parent... What's taking her so long?  

I am ready to go do our woofcamping chores. 

I'm awake, dressed, got my ear popped up and I am waiting...  waiting... waiting...

Oh good.

Here she comes now. She has her shoes on, her uniform on and she is coming this way. 

Oh no.

She stopped. 

She has the camera out now. She's taking my picture.

OK!  One picture.  Now let's go.

Put the camera down and grab the keys. 

Oh no.

She's taking another picture. 

Honest to goodness if you don't put that camera down, I am going to prop my leg behind my ear and  lick my privates. 

Well that worked. 

She put the camera away. 


  1. Can certainly tell who is the boss in your house. he looks so smart sitting behind the wheel. Hope you are feeling better?Your camp looks great.

  2. jeeeeeeezus what a mug! hahaaaa love that Harley dog

    Hi Sherry ;)


Life is goof!